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5 Proven Techniques to Calm Your Nerves Before Speaking

Effective Tips to Improve Public Speaking

What if you could learn techniques that calm your nerves and enhance your public speaking skills? Whether you’re facing a large group audience or addressing a small team, you can feel that anxiety and those nerves can chip in. 

Here are 5 effective techniques to help you calm your nerves while speaking:

  1. Deep Breathing Exercises

One of the easiest ways to overcome and manage anxiety is deep breathing. Whenever you feel stressed or anxious about what everyone says, take a deep breath and hold it. This way, you can release that feeling while speaking. Also, when you are worried, your breathing tends to become deep, which can get worse, and you start panicking. 

Deep breathing helps you calm and relax your body and counter stress. It also activates your brain and body nerves to overcome speaking fear. This technique reduces your anxiety levels and increases the oxygen flow in your body, making you more alert and focused on the audience. Practice this in a quiet space. While inhaling deeply, hold your breath and exhale slowly. 

  1. Visualization Techniques

One effective technique that many speakers use is visualization. You can practice by picturing yourself delivering a successful speech, then add your points and flare to it. You can also adjust your tone and manage your voice, which helps calm your nerves. 

By this, you can prepare your mind with a pre-planning scenario while speaking. Also, you’ll condition your mind with a positive outcome and reduce your anxiety and stress when it’s time to speak. The best you can do is find a peaceful space in your surroundings or, during the night, close your eyes and imagine every detail about saying, like stage audience your speech and feel every emotion of confidence, joy, and success this will give you more power to present. 




  1. Power Poses

The pose technique is based on the idea that body language affects our feelings. It is effective in the moments right before you step onto the stage and also helps you stay active in the present audience. The movement will support overall management among the audience. Power poses include standing tall, raising arms, and holding some poses for a few minutes.

A strong, open posture will elevate your mood and keep you active. It also reduces stress hormones in the body. Research shows that power posing can increase feelings of confidence and decrease stress. While speaking, our confidence is reflected physically, so you should work on some poses before going on stage. It will help with your anxiety.

  1. Practice of Content

As we all know and have listened to so many times, practice makes you perfect. Yes, preparation is key to feeling confident in yourself and capable. When you are more familiar with your content, you will be more confident and less anxious. Prepare effectively by rehearsing alone, practicing with friends and family, and taking feedback. 

A well-practiced presentation lets you focus on engaging with your audience rather than worrying about your anxiety while speaking. The work of content makes it simpler and more genuine so that it is easy to recall. Mastering your content can significantly reduce anxiety. The more you practice, the more natural your delivery will become.

  1. Engage in Positive Self-Talk

Your positive thoughts are the main thing that helps you build confidence, clear your mind of confusion, and reduce anxiety. Your internal dialogue plays a crucial role in how you feel before speaking. Negative thoughts can heighten anxiety, so you need to maintain your positive thoughts to maintain your stress level while speaking. 

You can reduce nervousness by consciously shifting your mindset to one of positivity. This practice can also help you maintain a positive outlook during speaking. You can cultivate it by identifying your negative thoughts and challenging them. 


Public speaking doesn’t have to be an anxious situation. Include these five techniques into your practice routine to calm your nerves and confidently deliver your message. So take a deep breath, visualize your success, adopt a power pose, and embrace positive self-talk. You’re ready to captivate your audience!

Remember, even the best speakers experience anxiety. it’s how you manage it that makes all the difference. So start working on these things to manage your stress and anxiety while speaking.


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