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Design the life of your Dreams

Are you someone who is an expert in an industry but don't know how to leverage it? The answer is simple by learning the art of public speaking & if you don't know that, click below.

Featured In

Amandeep Thind delivering impactful workshops
Audience applauding for Amandeep Thind


About Amandeep Thind

An enthusiastic, energetic, and empowering International speaker, Trainer, Best Selling Author & Public Speaking Coach inspiring people (both individuals & corporates) to achieve their goals & creating a progressive mindset.

A passionate visionary who is a confident networker at all levels with excellent interpersonal and presentation skills. Creates transformation in people’s lives by helping them to explore, expand and evolve into their “BRILLIANCE.”

On a mission to help people overcome their fear of public speaking


Help 1 Million People across the world to monetize their existing knowledge & skillset

On a vision to become largest training company


To become the biggest training & development company in the world by empowering people


Why I do what I do?

Amandeep Thind is a world-renowned International Speaker, Trainer, and Public Speaking Coach. With over a decade of experience, he has developed simple yet powerful & experiential techniques that have helped people eliminate their fear of public speaking & monetize their passion for it.

Amandeep Thind had an experience of 14 years in public speaking
Years Experience
0 +
Amandeep Thind believes in taking Live workshops
Live Workshops
0 +
Amandeep bringing smiles on face and getting them rid of their speaking fear
Lives Impacted
0 k+
Amandeep Thind spoken in various countries
Countries Spoken In
0 +

Featured In

The Chosen Speaker For Ted X, Josh Talks, And Many More

Amandeep Thind is a TEDx Speaker


Communicate fluently | Amandeep Thind | TEDxYouth@DPSChandigarh

Amandeep Thind got featured in Josh Talks.

Josh Talks

Powerful & Confident English Public Speaker कैसे बने l Amandeep Thind l Josh Talks Spoken English

Amandeep Thind Sharing Stage

With Industry Influencers

Amandeep Thind with his mentor Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins

Lead Trainer For Tony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within” Preview (World’s #1 Best- Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist)

Amandeep Thind shared stage with John Demartini

John Demartini

With John Demartini At Success Attraction Summit. (World renowned specialist in Human Behavior, Author [The Secret] And Global Educator)

Amandeep Thind working with Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker

With T. Harv Eker (Author Of The Book Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind)

Amandeep Thind with Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki

With Robert Kiyosaki (Founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Amandeep Thind with Jordan Belfort

Jordan Belfort

With Jordan Belfort (Author, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker) [The Real Wolf Of Wall Street]

Amandeep Thind with American motivational speaker Les Brown

Les Brown

With Les Brown (American motivational speaker, author, and the host of The Les Brown Show)

Sir Quotes

International Trainer || Best Selling Author || Public Speaking Coach || Entrepreneur || Lead Trainer for the World #1 Public Speaker Tony Robbins || Mentor || Josh Talk Speaker || Conducted 800+ Workshops Over 22+ Countries || 100K + People Impacted || 14+ Years of Experience


He is a phenomenal speaker and have incredible content and If you listens what he says, your life is gonna change the way you have no Idea
gerry robert
Gerry Robert
Bestselling author, Speaker and Publisher
Amandeep is Deep, Deep with wisdom, Deep with information & Deep with style. If you have any opportunity to learn from him, Go get it
Veronica- Founder of success gyan
Veronica Tan
Co Founder and Group General Manager at Success Resources
A lot of insecurities and deep fear baggage of emotions keeping me back from achieving my goal But Amandeep is a game changer of my life.
Divas Gupta
Divas Gupta
Public Speaking Coach
Parikshit Khanna giving testimonial for Amandeep's training
Pankaj Shukla giving written testimonial for Amandeep's training
Sangeeta Dewan giving written testimonial for Amandeep's training
Puneet Malik giving written testimonial for Amandeep's training
Amandeep happy for his mentees success stories
Aanchal Jhunjhunwala giving written testimonial for Amandeep's training
Kamal Aneja giving written testimonial for Amandeep's training

How can I help you?

With over 14+ years of experience as an International Public speaker, I have trained more than 150k+ people in over 23+ countries.